I had trouble liking the heroine in this book, and the southern style of writing was slightly off-putting, however, once I got used to both, I started to get into the story. It really gets going about 100 pages in and then it's action all the way to the end.
It has been compared to The Hunger Games, but I have to say that it wasn't as good. I think it was difficult to warm to Saba, the main character, in Blood Red Road. She comes across as mean and selfish at times, and she won't accept help from anyone, which is quite frustrating. She does, however, grow throughout the book, as she sets out with her younger sister, to rescue her brother, Lugh, after he is captured and his life is threatened.
Expect Gladiator-style action and you'll also be introduced to some great characters along the way, including Jack, who really makes the book enjoyable.
It is definitely worth a read. I give it 4 stars.